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Prototyping as a Process

Teaching Workshop

Prototyping as a Process

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, a prototype is worth a thousand meetings” — IDEO

Everything can be prototyped, a product, an experience, a business model, a recipe, the most important thing is to know how to prototype it in the most efficient and valuable way to learn from each iteration.

In this workshop participants will learn different techniques to create fast prototypes and test concepts, with the minimum amount of resources and time. Divided into teams, participants will create and iterate their prototypes at a faster pace, with each iteration resulting in new learnings to achieve more complex and clarified projects.
Going from low to mid and high fidelity, they will explore different prototyping tools and techniques from pencil and paper to electronics, from bodystorming to User Interface design software understanding how to test these prototypes with people and what to learn from them.

Taking this workshop doesn’t require any previous experience or specific background but a strong desire to learn and experiment with hands-on techniques.


Jose Chavarría

Taugth at
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design – CIID

``Thank you so much for everything. I learnt a lot last week and now I feel with creativity battery full of energy. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!``

— J. Ramirez


``Thank you very very much for everything! What a great experience.``

— A. Cervilla


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